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1892/93 Season
Leeds versus Bradford
Friendly match
Saturday 17th December 1892

Sheffield versus Leeds
& Leeds versus Hull
Woodhouse Cup matches
Saturday 4th February 1893
& Saturday 18th February 1893

The Season in Summary
Only five teams entered the Woodhouse Cup in 1893. Leeds Draughts & Chess Club (our poorer cousins) pulled out before the tournament got underway; and Bradford withdrew after we had beaten them. We comfortably dispatched Sheffield and Hull to take the laurels with three wins out of three.
The Captain's Trophy
The Silver Knight Trophy had yet to be minted and presented to the club by Mr James Rayner, so in those days it was the Silver King Trophy that went to the top individual scorer in the Woodhouse Cup team. Messrs Cohen and Stokoe tied for first place with 100% records.
Bradford versus Leeds
Woodhouse Cup match
Saturday 14th January 1893

Leeds Chess Club
Annual General Meeting
Monday 9th October 1893

Note for the 2020 AGM
We really must get those tea and smoking concerts going again.

With thanks to the
British Chess Magazine
Bound Volume XIII
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