1992/93 Season
Yorkshire Chess Association
League Tables
(Divisions 1 and 3 only)

Woodhouse Cup (YCA Div 1)
Finished comfortably mid-table in 7th place.
Silver Rook (YCA Div 3)
A great effort to finished 4th.
LCC Internal Competitions
Silver Knight
& Silver King Trophies

Silver Knight Trophy
(Top Scorer Woodhouse Cup)
Ms Valerie Craven & Paul Allison =1st
Silver King Trophy
(Top Scorer LCC 'B' team)
Brian Foster
Leeds Chess Association

Internal Affairs
Leeds Chess Club
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 19th May 1993
Club secretary Brent Kitson reported to the AGM that we were Champions of the LCA First Division and everything in the garden was rosy.

Unfortunately, not everyone at the club was as happy as Brent, as the puzzle published in the club magazine perhaps suggests:

The Sat B team captain, Peter Hall, had become incensed with Sat A team captain, Karl Swainston, because he "kept nicking his best players". At the AGM, Brian Foster, top board in the B team, accused Mr Swainston and his cronies of constituting a veritable "Inner Circle" within the club and inexplicably proposed to the meeting that he be banned from the club for his crimes. The motion was defeated, but by now Mr Swainston had become incensed and quit the club in disgust along with several of his (very strong) supporters, thus weakening the club substantially for several years.
Mr Swainston went on to found the Inner Circle Chess Club, as you might expect, and within three years they were champs of division one. Points proven and reconciliations made, Mr Swainston et al disbanded their protestant reformation and returned to the Leeds Chess Club fold. The whole thing was quite Shakespearean.
Coincidently, thereafter, we won Div 1 three times on the trot from 1998 to 2000.
1992/93 Delayed Club Championship

Format = All-Play-All, play who you can when you can, highest points scorer takes it. The whole thing was a bit of a botch job run through the summer, just so's we could say we'd run one. Brian Foster took the honours.